Saturday, March 7, 2015

EARWORM: How Great Can This Day Be? by Lori Henriques

Lori Henriques is a Portland based singer whose music I just love. I hear a lot of it on Kid's Place Live, and everytime it comes on I smile.  Soon I'm tapping the steering wheel.  She's very catchy!

Listen to this NPR review for a great overview of her latest album :

She's got a cabaret/blues/jazz feel, with very smart and clever lyrics, an amazing voice, and real music chops.  She was classically trained, and it shows.

 I especially love the song "How Great Can This Day Be?" which gives you a great question to ask yourself every morning, and "Vocabulary" (from a previous album) which encourages the listener to collect large words as a hobby instead of stamps, or record albums.

Speaking of which, click on any of these albums, and you could soon be collecting Lori Henriques songs, which would not be a bad thing at all.

Watch the video of "How Great Can This Day Be?"

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