Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rap Into History Challenge extended until November 4

 Cobblestone, the Kid's History magazine for kids ages 9-14 from Cricket Media, recently sent me a free copy of their latest magazine, celebrating my hero Alexander Hamilton.

The magazine gives a good overview of the man and the musical as well.  I really like how the magazine is laid out, and all of the photos and different articles.  It presents the stories of the subject (in this case Hamilton) in a very clear and engaging manner.

I'd never seen Cobblestone before. I was familiar with some of their other titles Cricket, Ladybug, Spider, etc.  It gets published 9 times a year, has no ads in it, and is a great resource for kids 9-14 with an interest in history.

Inspired by Hamilton the musical, and hoping to get kids interested and excited about other historical figures, they are hosting a Rap Into History challenge, where young aspiring songwriters can submit their best rap about a historical figure that excites them to the contest.

It's unclear what the prize is from the materials they sent me, but at the very least, you are sure to be featured on their website and probably the magazine.  Not sure if there is a cash or (hopefully a Broadway ticket) prize.

If you are interested  in participating, get over to before November 4 (the deadline) and start your rapping!

They'll accept a digital video or audio rap, so do your best, and who knows, your work might be the next great thing up on the stage (or in their pages)

For more info about Cobblestone magazine, check out the COBBLESTONE Magazine sample issue (PDF reader required)

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