Saturday, March 19, 2022

El Dia de los Padres

 I've been seeing Father's Day signs in stores and was thinking "Wow that's really early!"  It's not even April yet!

Today, I saw some more, signs and a couple of people were really nice to me at the market. 

When I got home and I took  a look  on the internet and it turns out that Spain celebrates Father's Day today  March 19, coinciding with St. Joseph's Day!

My family is not going to find out about this until it's too late, and truthfully I don't really care.  I don't need acknowledgement from them to appreciate the rewards (and occasional pitfalls) of being a dad.  

They are part of the process!

But I thought it was worth pointing out-- So Happy Early Father's Day, all you Americans!

And for those who live in Spain:

¡Feliz día del padre a todos los papás!

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