Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pi Day Specials 2017: Chicago

A bevy of delicious pies from First Slice cafe (Facebook)
Well it's Pi Day, again.  You know, the one day a year when math  suddenly becomes important to consumers, as they get specials on various forms of pie?

In case you were wondering:

Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Regardless of the size of the circle, pi is always the same number. So, for any circle, dividing its circumference by its diameter will give you the exact same number: 3.14159…or pi.

Pi is also an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly as a simple fraction. As a result, pi is an infinite decimal. Although 22/7 gives a result that is close to pi, it is not the same number.

(THANKS TO WONDEROPOLIS for the concise explanation)

We celebrate Pi Day on 3/14, but it would be more precise to celebrate Pi Minute,  which is on March 14 at 1:59 am.  So it's already happened!

As I've argued in the past-- I'd much rather see some excitement for Tau day.  Tau is 2 x pi, and is arguable a more important number in the scheme of things.  

The official Tau Day shirt.

And for those that are more mathematically inclined. 2*  = tau  (τ), which many would argue is the more important mathematical irrational transcendent constant. (And much less known than π)
All that to say is that Tau day is 6/28.  And by the transformative power of pi, there should be TWICE as many specials on that day!  And it will be twice as delicious!

Find out more about Tau Day and start preparing now!  http://www.tauday.com


Here are some local specials that I've compiled from a couple of sources.  Chicago Tribune and DNA Info.  I've focused on North side specials, as that's where I live.  If you live elsewhere, check the links above.

Baker and Nosh: 1303 W. Wilson Ave., 773-989-7393, www.bakerandnosh.com
Individual 5-inch cherry pies for $6.50.

Baker Miller: 4610 N. Western Ave., 773-654-3610 www.bakermillerchicago.com
The bakery will have specials on both its regular 8-inch pies and 6-inch mini pies. The mini-pies are special for the holiday, and slices of the regular pies will also be available in-store Tuesday; but plan to arrive early.

Frankenpies from Bang Bang Pies
Bang Bang Pies: 4947 N. Damen Ave., 773-530-9020, www.bangbangpie.com
Indecisive pie lovers can have it all for Pi Day at Bang Bang, with a Franken-pie option that includes a slice of each special pie all in one pan.Flavors include chocolate cheesecake with salted caramel and s’mores pie; You may have missed your chance for Franken-pie. Better luck next time, but they will have double crusted mini-apple pies available.

Bennison’s Bakery:1000 Davis St., Evanston, 847-328-9434, www.bennisonscakes.com

Bennison’s special for Pi Day: 4 inch pies of either apple, strawberry rhubarb, Boston cream and French silk, each for $3.14, of course. No preorders here; it’s first come, first served in-store all day Tuesday.

Bittersweet Pastry: 1114 W. Belmont Ave., 773-929-1100, www.bittersweetpastry.com 
They have plenty of delicious pies as always.  As a special, Sweet or savory mini pies are also available at $4.50 apiece, plus $3.14 for blueberry or apple-and-quince “pie pops.”

Blaze Pizza: Visit website for locations, www.blazepizza.com 
Pizza pies qualify for the Pi Day celebration according to Blaze, which will offer pizzas for $3.14 at all Chicago locations. The best part? Any and all toppings are included in that price, for both signature and build-your-own pies.

Cellar Door Provisions:3025 W. Diversey Ave., 773-697-8337, www.cellardoorprovisions.com
Although the bakery and restaurant will be closed on the official Tuesday of Pi Day, Cellar Door will round up to 3.15 and celebrate  on Wednesday with slices of emmer wheat and brown butter apple pie for $7.50 (with creme fraiche) each.

Dinkel’s: 3329 N. Lincoln Ave., 773-281-7300, www.dinkels.com
Find all of Dinkel’s typical pie offerings at special prices: $3.14 for 5-inch mini pies and $9.87 (aka pi squared) for 9-inch regular pies.

Pie from Floriole (Instagram)
First Slice Pie Cafe: Visit website for locations, www.firstslice.org 
Of course the pie cafe will celebrate a pie-related holiday. First Slice will offer a buy one, get one free deal on slices of any of its 10-plus varieties of pie.

Floriole: 1220 W. Webster Ave., 773-883-1313, www.floriole.com 
“Pi”neapple upside-down cakes are getting a Pi Day discount, from $4.75 normally to $3.14 for the holiday. The bakery will also give away some cakes to customers in the store at 3:14 p.m. Tuesday.

The Chopping Block: 4747 N. Lincoln Ave. www.thechoppingblock.com/
From noon-7 p.m. Tuesday, pie lovers can pick up four-inch banana cream and/or chocolate chip pecan pies at the Lincoln Square location.

One of Hoosier Mama's delicious pies
Hoosier Mama Pie Company: 749 N. Chicago Ave, Evanston. www.hoosiermamapie.com
A baker who answered the phone at 6:30 a.m. Monday said there will be a "normal menu" Tuesday — and by normal she means 15 kinds of pie, including the "Chicago Sunrise," made with Malort liquor. This is also an 8 year anniversary of their Chicago location, located at 1618.5 W. Chicago Ave in Chicago.

Weirdly, Stan's will have pies on Pi Day!

Stan's Donuts 1560 N. Damen Ave.; 259 E. Erie St.; 3300 N. Broadway Ave. and more. www.stansdonuts.com/ 
Although known for their donuts, for one day only, Stan's has added hand pies to its menu, available in apple and cherry.

Look for them to be delicious!

The Smoke Daddy: 1804 W. Division St. www.thesmokedaddy.com/
Yes, it’s about the brisket and ribs. But this Wicker Park meat heaven also has pie, and is offering a free slice of key lime pie with the purchase of an adult entree (limit one per table, exclusive of tax and gratuity).

Whole Foods: various locations  www.wholefoodsmarket.com/ 

Whole Foods is holding an all-day sale in light of Pi Day. Customers can save $3.14 on large pies and take-and-bake pizzas. The sale will only last while supplies last, and selections will vary from location to location.

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