I always get a little depressed around my birthday. Not exactly sure why, but it's a fact of life. I start questioning what I've done over the last year, over the last ten years, why I haven't been able to make the changes I want in my life, I start to blame myself a little, I feel a little out of control.
I shouldn't be too upset. I have a pretty good life over all. I love being a dad. My career as a clown/performer isn't where I want it to be, but I still do shows on occasion. I've had some great successes in my career, and who knows maybe I will again. I love writing, and being part of the dad blogger community and occasionally getting paid to write. (Of course, would love to have more of that!) I mostly have my health, although I could stand to lose a bunch of weight and not eat sugar. I volunteer for my son's school, I love my wife, I've got all kinds of electronic gizmos, and I'm caught up on Curb Your Enthusiasm AND Game of Thrones. I have a good relationship with my brothers and my wife's family. What do I REALLY have to complain about?
Yet for some reason, I despair. It usually goes away about a week after my birthday.
Something that does buoy me up is my facebook messages. This year I received over 250 well-wishes for my birthday on the facebook. I'm proud to say that although my fingers are a little sore, I managed to personally respond to each and every well-wisher! I make it a point of personal pride to do so. I feel like if they took the time to wish me happy birthday, I can take the time to thank them.
Here's a cool little video that Facebook made about those well-wishes.
It's cheering just to revisit that! Thanks Facebook!
Onto the title of this post.
On my birthday I looked like this:
Onto the title of this post.
On my birthday I looked like this:
I'd also been thinking about shaving my beard, and there must have been half a dozen days in the first 10 days of October that I resolved to shave my beard, but I didn't do it.
The day after my birthday, I decided to take action. Turn over a new leaf, start fresh, get a new me! I took some before pictures, and then a midway point. (You've seen the before picture above)
In this one I look like a combination of Albert Einstein, Gene Shalit, and Gabe Kaplan. Not a particularly good look, unless they make a remake of Welcome Back, Mr. Kotter. (Come on Big Numbers!) And for those of you not familiar with that fine fine show, it was the launch of John Travolta's career!
Here's a little video sample of it (with a couple of good shots of Gabe Kaplan for good measure)
And finally here's my new look.
I have a chin!
I still need a haircut, but hey, one step at a time!
What changes big or small are you making in your life? Feel free to respond in the comments.
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